Round Up Your Squad

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Create your fan verification account now!

Create your FAN VERIFICATION account now!!

New York Comic Con requires anyone who wishes to attend or buy badges for NYCC 2018 to create a Fan Verification account with Comic con, by July 8 at 11:59 PM ET in order to participate in the general on sale.

You might be asking yourself: Do I have to do this? We’re glad you asked and we’re going to counter with: Did you have a Fan Verification account last year that you rolled over?

If you answered “no” to the above question, then you need to create a Fan Verification account by July 8. Please skip over the next few sentences to the bullet points below.

If you answered “yes” to the above question, you’re all set! You can participate in the general onsale on July 15 (if you didn’t get all the badges you wanted during the presale) and leave this page.

Please read the below carefully before submitting your Fan Verification account:

Every person 13 years and older who would like to attend or purchase NYCC 2018 badges must have a Fan Verification account. So after you fill out yours, make sure your friends, your parents, your siblings, your cousins, your lovers, your favorite Asgardian god, etc. fill theirs out as well!

Kids who will be ages 6-12 at the time of NYCC 2018 and will be using a NYCC 2018 adult badge or Sunday Kids badge do not need a Fan Verification account.

Fan Verification does not guarantee NYCC 2018 badges. NYCC 2018 badges will be sold online first-come, first-served.

Once you and your crew submit your Fan Verification accounts for 2018, sit tight and keep an eye on your email. You’ll receive an email with your unique NYCC onsale link 48 hours before badges go on sale on July 15. When those emails go out, we’ll make an announcement on social media as well.

When badges go on sale, you will be required to assign each individual badge to a Fan Verification account during checkout. You will not be able to complete your purchase until all your badges are assigned to yourself and anyone you’re buying a badge for. You will be able to assign each badge to a person (whether yourself or someone you’re buying for) by using the email address used to create their Fan Verification account.

Go to NEW YORK COMIC CON official website to get verified

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