
Category 5, Is the U.S. prepared?

Category 5, Is the U.S. prepared. The answer will surprise you. After researching this topic we asked ourselves, Is America’s Infrastructure falling apart? and Why? Here’s what we can do in a couple of easy steps to fix the problem. “Draw the Line” episode 1, produced by SupersuperFresh.com

Black Eye Friday

Comedian Adrian Dubard, shares his experience as a smoker, dealing with the different characters he met one day while waiting for the bus.
PRESENTED BY SUPER STUPID FRESH and electrical jungle.com

A Day in the Life of

Comedian Adrian Dubard, shares his experience as a smoker, dealing with the different characters he met one day while waiting for the bus.
PRESENTED BY SUPER STUPID FRESH and electrical jungle.com

If Black people owned Disney.

If Black people ran Disney, I found

Controversial Mr Clean Ad

Turns out Mr. Clean has been the dirty one all this time.

Certified Funny Sommore Economics and, tuna fish sandwiches animation

An animation of Sommore explaining why you need to always buy snacks for your kids at the movies. And, why popcorn balls just don’t work in the hood.

Super, stupid, Fresh animated series

New York rich kids enjoying life.

Road Fart Rage

Just a short animated comedy sketch with farts in it. Inspired by real life experiences. Pretty sophisticated humor if you ask me. Probably gonna make some more similar catroons. It’s pretty fun.
You can subscribe to my channel if you want. And you should deffinetely share this on facebook and tag your motherfucking friends who do such things. – djMorlov